Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

3 Legged Stool

Here is my first attempt at furniture. A completely turned stool, made from green Norway Maple.


Submitted by: Jim Cundiff


hand mirror

turned out of hedge apple (osage orange) and maple. Has a 3 inch mirror.


Submitted by: Jeromy Owens

First Birdhouse

I turned this birdhouse in two pieces. The bottom is a piece of cherry that I bought at a garage sale for two dollars. I am not sure what kind of wood the top is made of. The blank I turned it from was given to me for free in a big box of blanks that someone was clearing out of their basement. The birdhouse is ten inches tall. The top is seven inches in diameter and the bottom is five inches in diameter. I put a coat of Tried and True danish oil on the outside only.


Submitted by: Dean Osenbaugh


Walnut Vase

I baught a 5 x 5 x 7 walnut blank several months ago. I put it away and forgot about it until I was going through my wood stash Saturday morning. I turned this vase and finished it with Minwax Wipe-on poly. It is 4-3/4 inchie in diameter and stands 6-3/4 inches tall.


Submitted by: Dean Osenbaugh

Bowl with Pewter lid

This is made from a piece of myrtlewood that I have had in a box since the late 80’s. I found the top in the wife’s craft room and it needed a bowl. It has a hutwax gloss finish; took less than two hours to make, is 2 1/2″ high by 4 1/2″ diameter.


Submitted by: Gary Hill

Pecan Bowl

This came from the crotch of a pecan tree. While I was turning it I noticed the tool was hitting some moisture. I stopped the lathe and found a huge worm still alive. I dug it out and gave it to the birds. When I tried to finish the bottom of the bowl I move the tail stock back and had the speed low but it ended up flying off and hit me just above my left eye. Needless to say it left a mark and I found my glasses about 10 minutes later. 🙂 It weighs in at a good 5 lbs or more.

Submitted by: John Moore