Angel Top
Angel Top – 4″ tall, the skirt and legs are a top held in base of angel body by a rare earth magnet in base and ball bearing in top. made from walnut, cherry, maple, flowering crab apple. see , and
Submitted by: Gene Pitstick
Olaf Ornament

The body is turned from pine scrap. Wire arms and hands. Tiny puff balls for buttons. Black pipe cleaner hair. About 3.5″ tall
Submitted by: Gene Pitstick
Rosewood Pen
I know this is not my best project, but with this series, I want to show that everybody can make something even if they don’t have space. I mean my little workspace is literraly 3 feet X 2. 🙂
My lathe cost about 80$ and you can have it on craigslist for like 50 or so.
Have a good one Carl.
Submitted by: Pat Laperriere
My 2016 Ornament Challenge
Carl, here is my ornament challenge project. First time playing with the You Tube video making stuff. Not the best. Thanks much.
Submitted by: Tom Pritchard
Turning a Snowman
Turning holiday ornaments is a fun and easy way to make gifts for all those people on your holiday list. This video walks you through the process of making a cool little snowman.
Submitted by: Scott Seganti
Cherry snowman
I made the snowman with cherry wood. Painted the hat black, and then covered the body with wood glue and then put plastic dust onto the woodglue. I then used hot glue to add snow on the hat with plastic dust and then added decor onto the hat and scarf onto the body.
Submitted by: Justin Allen