Poplar and Black Walnut Hollow Form
This piece started out only as a piece of Poplar, it has a very interesting figure to it. At the time I had hollowing tools, but the were a little to big for the job. Unfortunately, I ended up going through the middle area of the bottom. Therefore, I added the Walnut base, which is fine since I like the contrast.
Submitted by: Jordan Berghaus
Maple/Purpleheart Bowl
This is a small bowl. It stands less than an inch high and it’s a little over 2 inches in diameter at the top. This was originally glued up as the top part of a walking cane probably 25 to 30 years ago. I decided that it would become a bowl. It turned out really nice. It is finished with Deft (gloss) lacquer and I love the color contrast. This is one of my favorites even though it is one of the smallest, I have smaller. 🙂
Submitted by: Jordan Berghaus
Purpleheart and Chestnut Bowl with a Walnut Base
This is a tiny bowl(about an inch high, by about an inch in diameter) I made form the corner cutoffs of a much bigger bowl blank. What I used to make the bowl in the picture were further remains from a Christmas ornament. I added a small piece of chestnut in the middle to allow me more yield, as I only have a small amount after the corners are cut from a larger blank.(I have a special jig that I use on the disk sander to make a flat edge ready for glue-up after the corners are cut from larger blanks. I could send a picture with some instructions if you are in to that sort of turning.) The base is a piece of Black Walnut left over from a picture frame. I needed this base as the bottom got a little to thin, and so i decided to just drill out the bowl bottom and put on the base. Believe it or not, i have a bowl still smaller than this one!
Submitted by: Jordan Berghaus
Grass Tree Vase with a Pine Base
This is a vase I made just a few weeks ago. The main part of the vase is Grass Tree from Australia and I added a Pine base for stability. After all, I don”t a $200 vase taking a tumble off of the shelf.
Submitted by: Jordan Berghaus
Wand set
Here is the finished set of wands. I had fun making them but quickly found out that I could use a steady rest in my shop.
Submitted by: Matt Kendall