Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Roughing Gouge


Off-center bowl

I finally uploaded a full detailed instructional video about how I turned my off-center bowls using a chuck instead of faceplates. The last one I submitted was from walnut. In this video, I made a similar off-center bowl from Apricot.

Submitted by: Steve

Woodturning Back-to-Basics Episode #1

I started this series to help new turners with a few tips I’ve learned after 23 years of woodturning. In this episode I go over a few tips for using the skew chisel, and the bowl gouge. I also talk about the sanding pad I use, and how to sand out end grain. Also a quick tip for sharpening gouges.


Woodturning Back-to-Basics Episode #2

I started this basic woodturning series to help new turners with a few tips I’ve learned after 23 years. In this episode I go over how to cut a tenon to get the best fit in your chuck. We’ll also go over the bevel angle, and sanding pads. Sanding pads are the best way to sand out end grain.


I’m almost done with this one, is Maple, Walnut, and Madrone burl.

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