Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Oak and black walnut segmented lamp

This is my 6th lamp. It’s an oak and black walnut segmented lamp. It’s made out of four 2x2s, one 1×4, and several pieces of walnut veneer. I wasn’t satisfied with the thickens of one layer of veneer so I put two. There is a lot of glue in there. There are 8 segments of oak in the base, two layers thick. Every segment is separated by two layers of walnut veneer. For a total of 32 pieces of wood in the base and 10 in the column. Actually I made a creative error that lead me to have to double the number of black walnut pieces in the base, so there are 48 pieces of wood in the base but there should only be 32. I have a close up picture of the base which is quite striking. I’m trying to sell my lamps but haven’t sold one yet. It’s only been a few weeks since I started turning. The last time I turned was in high school in 1994. After watching YouTube videos, I can see that there is a lot I don’t know about turning.


Submitted by: Joe Cushing


Carroll’s Custom Calls’ “Death Row”

This is a short reed goose call made from African Blackwood


Submitted by: Carroll’s Custom Calls

Captured Sphere

I had seen the cube in cube done on the drill press and on lathe but wanted to take it one step further. This is Mulberry turned on and older model Craftsmen lathe. It is from a single 3 1/2″ cube and has been left intact. And is my first attempt at this, my next one may be sphere in sphere.
I really appreciate and find inspiration in your turning videos. Keep them coming. I want to make a Cryptex now after seeing yours.


Submitted by: Mark Bachman


How to make a Cryptex

I’m first attempt at a Kendama