Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

beehive bottlestopper

Hi Carl-Greetings from Massachusetts.

I really enjoy your website and videos. I’ve been turning, on a very limited basis, for a couple of years. I don’t get as much time in the shop as I’d like. I am essentially self-trained, though I have taken a couple of classes at the local Woodcraft store.

Your videos really make me think a lot about my turnings, and give me ideas about things I’d like to try. A couple of years back, I bought the Ruth Niles bottle stopper kit, and have made a few. I’m attaching a photo of one of the better ones I turned…I call it a “beehive stopper”, for obvious reasons. It’s made from Maple, from a scrap I got at the Home Depot.

After watching a few of your older videos, I invested in a couple of bowl gouges and am taking a bowl turning class at the end of the month at Woodcraft. I’m looking forward to moving beyond pens and stoppers. If things go well, I’ll send a photo of my first bowl.

Keep up the great work on the videos.



Submitted by: Eric Weinstein


Turned Honey Dippers

Just starting out wood turning. I love honey and what better thing to practice turning than honey dippers.

From left to right:
Mahogany and Purpleheart
Lemonwood (degame)

Cactus Chris
From the Cactus Makeshop


Submitted by: Chris P

Coffee Bean Bottle Stopper

Coffee beans cast in white epoxy and then turned on the lathe into a bottle stopper. It turned out real well, especially considering that this was my first bottle stopper I have ever turned. Thanks.


Submitted by: Mitchell Longwill


Captive Ring Bottle Stopper

Bottle stopper made of rosewood with hardware from an older broken one. Had to make my own tool to get the do a captive ring in such a tight spot. The design is pretty boring but I think it turned out alright.


Submitted by: Mark

I made this antique coffee grinder, using Maple burl. I got the kit from Chefwarekits.