Swerve Curvy
Bought my lathe before Christmas an my neighbours woodpile is getting nervous. Spalted maple experiment
Submitted by: Eric Sunstrum
Turned candy dish
The wood came from a paper bark Birch that was taken down in Hoquiam in 2014. I dont think I did too bad for a relative novice.
Submitted by: Gene
8 point star coasters
Made of Red heart, birch and walnut. Made one long piece and cut slices off on the band saw. Each coaster is about 4 inches.The walnut border around the star was challenging. I had to cut each piece individually to make them fit. Making the star itself was relatively easy. My friends were impressed! Thanks Carl
Submitted by: Dave Barbo
Segmented Vase
The vase is made of poplar, maple with feature rings made of zebra wood an purple heart. It is 11″ tall and 8″ in diameter. It contains approximately 328 pieces.
Submitted by: Jose C. Ponce de leon