Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Brazilian honey locust

First time turning this kind of wood


Submitted by: Lewis Vallier


My first two bowls

Hi Carl
I am a new Woodturner. I am 14 and I got a lathe for Christmas. I have turned a ton of pens and a couple of bottle stoppers but this is my first time turning a bowl. The bowl on the left is quina and the one on the right is hickory and walnut.


Submitted by: Ryan Johnson

Waterleaf vase

Waterleaf vase,8″ tall,made of cherrywood.It was turned and carved with waterleaf motifs in a double wall envelope and finished with mineral oil and beewax


Submitted by: Angel Ramos


Whimsical Turned Boxes

I turned these whimsical boxes out of Maple, Walnut, and Honey Locust.

Hand Cut Spirals

In this video I demonstrate how to hand cut spirals using a jig I made.