MiterSet Cut Perfect Segments Every Time!!
The MiterSet is the easiest way to set up your miter gauge. Cut perfect miters and segments every time with this jig. Here’s a link were you can find the MiterSet, MiterSet website.
Make A Kitchen Canister With A Threaded Insert
In this video I make a kitchen canister with a threaded insert out of Maple. it’s 5″ in diameter and 8 1/2″ tall. I turned a large cylinder on the lathe, and cut one third off for the lid. I recessed a brass threaded insert in the base, and lid.
Cedar box and apple wood bowl
Just learning to turn a couple of projects I completed today 1/9/17
Submitted by: Robert Martin
R2D2 Bottle Stopper
Carl, all of your recent Star Wars projects have inspired me & helped me think outside of the box. My son is a hugh Star Wars fan so I made him this R2D2 bottle stopper. I wish I had Robin’s painting skills. Thank you for all of the video on YouTube.
Submitted by: Jim Burton