Zebra Wood salad bowl set
Hey Carl,
Thanks for all the time you spend making your woodturning videos. I just started woodturning about 3 months ago and your clips are very helpful for us novices.
These bowls were turned from one piece of zebra wood. I did not use a duplicator… just a micrometer. I’ve made a couple bowls prior to these, but this was my first attempt at a set. They were finished with a food-safe wax.
Thanks for looking,
Jeff Smith
St Petersburg, FL
Submitted by: Jeff Smith
Christmas Trees
Hi Carl,
For starters I love your videos, they are very informative. I just got my lathe in August. I love it. Now I can say I own every tool you need for a shop. I have made around 25 snowmen and selling them to our craft store. The kids paint them for presents for parents. I also been making the key chains of the Christmas tree, bulbs and snowmen. Here is a pic that I modified from your Christmas trees. Let me know If you like.
Submitted by: Tonia Munshower
Purple-hatted snowman
Turned this snowman from basswood and a scrap of purpleheart then used a pyro pen to put in the dots and glues in a loop of wire to hang him by. Every snowman deserves a purple hat!
Submitted by: Shaun Crampton