Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Bakersbest custom hunting calls

Matching pair of my custom predator calls, made out of laminated wood & finished with CA glue


Submitted by: Nathan Baker


First bowl

Started as maple/walnut/maple 6×6 almost 3 thick blank. I kept gouging it and it got smaller and smaller oddly enough when I was trying to finish it up with my scraper it shattered and created a cool looking winged bowl you see here! So I made lemon aid out of my lemon


Submitted by: Ray Vandermei

splted beach salad bowl

i used liquid paraffin and food safe wax


Submitted by: Anthony


Segmented bowl

My second segmented bowl.

Not without it’s challenges. Especially when I caught an edge starting to turn the inside and popped it right off the sacrificial piece on the faceplate. Oops.

Got it remounted just a bit off centre and managed to save it.

Thanks for looking.



Submitted by: Randy Cosgrove

Set of 2 apricot bowls…….

2 bowls out of apricot…
Big is 19 cm and small is at 14 cm diameter….


Submitted by: George Zalokostas