Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Off center goblet in ash

I thought I’d try my hand at off center turning. It is even more scary than in the videos. This one is out of ash. I was trying another out of bloodwood, but I got a catch, and it blew apart. 🙁


Submitted by: Josh Wansitler



I am from Bulgaria and in his spare time make little souvenir copies of musical instruments out of wood. Months ago, a woman contacted me and asked me to work out Jimmy Page’s guitar gibson 1275
After she worked, she said no and I like to save it for my collection. Sometimes whimsical orders of bizarre customers make the masters to make unique. I am very proud made​​.


Submitted by: Plamen Gerganov

Lidded box in walnut

I just completed this lidded hollowform the other day. I got a few real nice pieces of walnut (from ebay interestingly enough) and rough turned it last summer. It had just a little ring check that I stabilized with a little CA glue and it’s barely noticeable.


Submitted by: Josh Wansitler


Myrtle wood night light with a glass float

Walnut and copper candle holder