Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Lilac Box made from a broken branch

made from a branch that had stopped producing flowers


Submitted by: ben randell


Ebony pen

Simple pen made from a piece of Ebony


Submitted by: ben randell

Potpourri Bowl

Found out this afternoon that I needed a last minute gift for tomorrow. Had the top from a little manic buying a couple months ago at Craft Supplies. Used CA
on the outside mainly because I thought wax might get in the way of the dried flower smells. Thanks Carl for all the great vids.


Submitted by: Chris Royer


Customer pens

These are the customer pens I have done so far for the holidays. Usually this time of year is when I get some business. Beats giving away free ones which I promised myself to quit doing,lol. Pens are such a personal item that brings me even more joy turning them.


Submitted by: James Templeton

Little Oak Mushroom

Hey, i have just started turning, i am a 14 year old. i got a lathe second hand for an alright price, i have a Record CL3B lathe. i did this today with my dads friend showing me some techniques. i think i’ve seen almost all your videos, keep them up they are great 🙂


Submitted by: Kai Larmour-Jones