Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Natural edge Walnut bowl dried in the microwave



My first dipper


Submitted by: Ken Long

Wine Glass Plate

I started making some small plates out of some old cedar fencing. The planks are around 7 inches wide and about 3/4 to 1 inch thick. Very easy to turn but until I saw your video I didn’t know I was turning wine glass plates. Keep up the great work and I always love your videos.

Thom in San Diego


Submitted by: Thomas Lindgren


Valentine’s Day Flowers

A special gift for Valentine’s Day. These flowers are turned by me from three different species. The vase is made from padauk- a very red wood. The flower buds are made from osage orange- a very orange wood. And the stems are turned from lignum vitae- a naturally green colored wood. I’m extremely proud of how these turned out! I think they were well received by my date! Thanks Carl for the most excellent (and well timed) project.


Submitted by: Willy Demis

Duck Call

Duck call with an Echo insert I made from a scrap piece of black walnut. I finished it off with a CA finish.


Submitted by: Danny