Tea light
I was turning a small round leg box and my interior exceeded my exterior. I cleaned that up and out of a piece of cedar I turned a small box to fit in the design change hole. So it can be used to set a tea light in or set the box in.
Submitted by: David Morgan
Laburnum Log bowl/candle holder
Laburnum natural edge log bowl/tea light holder. 8.5 inches long x 2 inches deep and 3.5 inches wide finished in microcrystalline waxes.
I used 3/8 gouge and a round nosed scraper to make it and it took about 20 minutes from start to finish. sanded to 600 grit.
It was surprisingly well balanced on the lathe and I could run it at 2000 rpm straight away without any chatter or vibration…..obviously making it easier to get a clean cut and nice tool finish.
I look forward to hearing any feedback from other wood turners!
James 🙂
Submitted by: James Earp
My fiance made me this ringbox when he proposed to me. It was his first project he made on his wood lathe. He is so proud of it, and shows it to everyone. He loves watching your videos Carl. He watches them every week, and learns from your videos, and makes similar projects to yours. I thought I would surprise him and put up this picture on your website. His name is Andrew. This was his first segmented piece he said, and plans on doing more like this box in the future!
Submitted by: Alida Boon
coffee grinder
i really liked your grinder video and decided to make one. After looking at the finished product I decided to cut off the original knob from the kit and turn a matching one from white oak.
Submitted by: David Goins
Woodturned Chess Set Turning a rook
First – I really like your channel – I’ve learned much there.
Bought a lathe in December (haven’t turned since high school 40 years ago), to make my son a chess set. I’m hooked. So far I’ve completed the pawns, rooks, bishops, and 2 knights (knights were hard!).
Since Xmas – I think I’ve subscribed to every turner who has posted more than 3 turning videos – lol. What a great community!
Thanks for all you do!
Submitted by: James Wegner