Novelty Items that I give as gifts. Item may be either Mahogany or Avacado.
Submitted by: Janice Pinizotti
Graduation Cap
Graduation cap for my grandson. Unknown wood – ordered on-line and not labeled
Submitted by: Janice Pinizotti
This gavel was made for my granddaughter’s friend. They serve on a high school debate team together and seemed like an appropriate gift.
Submitted by: Janice Pinizotti
Faceted screwdriver handle
I just started a YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago.
I couldn’t finish the project I had in mind for the video this week (an endgrain cutting board), so I cranked out a screwdriver handle to post.
This video shows the method I have come up with for a 3 sided handle that I put on screwdrivers. It makes them very comfortable to work with and you get a better grip than you do on most factory handles.
Thanks for giving us a place to present our doings, and taking the time to look.
Jason (GP Woodworks)
Submitted by: Jason Gossett