Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

FULLY off-center stem Goblet

This is my very first off-center project. It started wilt one of those “I wonder if it can be done” ideas, that I worked out a method for, and decided I’d give it a try. This is my “Prototype”, and I have found, by making this ways to improve it when I next go out to the workshop. I hope you like my idea!!??


Submitted by: Keith Sharples


Kiddies BBQ Grill

Hi Carl,

Here’s a project I’ve just completed for a friends 3 year old son for Christmas. It’s not a full turning project, however it did turn the salt and pepper set, sauce bottle with removable lid and bbq skewer to add to the playfood, which was tons of fun to make as a newbie turner on my mini lathe.
I won’t be there to see little Oscar open his bbq Christmas Day, but I have been promised a few photos, so I’m looking forward to seeing him cooking away, just like his Dad 😉
Thanks for the wonderful YouTube videos, I’m really learning so much from watching them!
Many thanks,


Submitted by: Kim Stuart-Gregory