Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

Dish/Shollow Bowl

Not exactly sure what type of wood it is but it was laying in the garden rotting and i managed to save a piece of it, I have been turning for a couple of years now and I have been using an old engineering chuck until a couple of days ago when i finally got a new NOVA G3 chuck and the difference is incredible


Submitted by: Scott English


bowl on a pedastool

The bowl is green turned from a piece of oak and is mounted at a slant on a piece of laburnum


Submitted by: Scott English

faro de luz

Faro de luz


Submitted by: Luis Portorreal



I mentioned this on your recent video about involuted turning and you asked to see if when it was done… I’ve only been turning 5 months so I learned a great deal doing this! (its my first involuted piece!) … lots of fun but I need a bit more practise 🙂

Thanks for all your videos, I really find them helpful and motivating!



Submitted by: Tom Murphy

scrap bin tea light candle holder

My tea light scrap bin project. Please disregard my previous email as I have found this page. Thanks



Submitted by: Andrew Ryskamp