Wood Turning

Woodturning Projects & Tips | Carl Jacobson's Woodshop.TV

mahogany bowl

I made a small mahogany bowl i got the blank in my local joinery it is an off cut.This bowl is made on a face plate i rounded it with a gouge and hollowed it out with a bowl gouge and sanded it form 60-600 and before waxing i used the sawdust form other projects this i a trick carl you should try this in one for your projects and then waxed up the bowl Thank you for reading


Submitted by: Anthony broe


Steady Rest


This is a pic of a steady rest that I make in my home shop. I have been working on this design for about a year and feel that it is finally ready.

I have spent numerous hours watching your videos on Youtube. I really enjoy all of the projects you make. It is nice how some are simple and some are complex.


Steve Miller


Submitted by: Steve Miller

Maple burl wine galsses



I turned this bowl out of Chakte Viga. It is 7 1/2″ in diameter and 2 3/4″ tall. I finished it with Mahoney’s Utility finish. The color and grain in this one are really nice.


Submitted by: Dean Osenbaugh

Learning projects

Some mushrooms and a plain candle holder so i can get the hang of my tools….

still struggling with the oval skew chisel… its very big and sharpens very hard…

maybe my woods are hard for it as well… who knows…

Definetely christmass present to my self a set of miniature turning tools and a hollowing tool

These mushrooms must become smaller !


Submitted by: George Zalokostas